Hailun Tang


I’m Hailun.

Beijing, with its historic charm and bustling streets, was my haven during my primary and some of my secondary schooling years.

Then, life turned a new page, and Singapore became my new home. It was like stepping into a vibrant painting where different cultures blend seamlessly. This was where I spent the rest of my secondary years and all of high school. Each experience here added bright colors to my life’s tapestry.

I’m totally into J-pop, and I hold onto some really sweet memories from my time in a marching band. There’s nothing better than getting lost in a good book or diving into a gaming session. My manga collection and figurines? They’re like little pieces of joy. And when it comes to food, I’m all about exploring new flavors with each bite.

As much as my ENFP personality loves the joys of group moments, I have a deep-seated appreciation for solitude. I relish my personal spaces and the calm they bring. Yet, the warmth of camaraderie pulls me back, only for me to later retreat and recharge, ready for the next outing.




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