Some Intro

Name’s Aki, stereotypical Asian dude, nerd, terrible decision maker, and most unsuited for a Digital Media student, a modern caveman.

The purpose of my smartphone appears to be to ‘keep up with the general function of communication’ (email and text), WhatsApp is the only other app that I reach people with besides text, phone calls, and Gmail. A boring person in general so there’s really not much to share.

But I guess I could mention the hobbies since I’m a nerd after all.

Anyway, I’d go airsofting with the boys during weekends.

If you don’t know what’s airsoft, it’s a bunch of childish adults and actual children shooting each other with plastic pellets to have fun and sometimes get hurt.

Not gonna elaborate on that because it’s simply gonna bore people to sleep.

I do enjoy driving as well, had myself a little second-hand vehicle, well actually it’s a sixth-hand sixteen-year-old shit-box.

I did some tweaks on it too, one of my worst decisions, the petrol money that thing chucks down is beyond my comprehensive income, and now it offers severe back pain for any trip over half an hour. But it sure as hell runs fast, it’s part of the reason why the only shot of it I found on my laptop is me caught speeding and definitely the main reason why I almost got myself killed.

So, be safe, don’t be an idiot like me, and I’d personally recommend using public transport in London.

And last of all, as you may expect, video games are the ones to blame for me having the previous two hobbies.

Having unsupervised access to the internet from a very young age is indeed inappropriate, made me once a game addict who spends time on computers abusively.

But it’s part of the reason that I’m in Digital Media now, and I hope some of the information in my head is gonna help a little sometimes.

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