
Hi, everyone! My name is Ruoting Gao, but you can call me Ting. I am thrilled to have you here😊I’m excited to share my interests and thoughts with all of you here!

A little bit about me

I was born and raised in a small town called ShaoXing in southern China. There are many historical monuments preserved there until today, so it is called an ancient city of culture. I love my hometown so much that I’ve wanted to promote it to everyone since I was very young. That’s probably why I chose media direction as my major 😝

  • In my free moments, I really enjoy taking photos. I love all things beautiful and am desperate to document them, it’s a great way to preserve memories.

  • In my daily life, I like to take lots of photos and study their composition and colours.

Apart from taking photos and matching them, I also really like cute things like animals. I have a lovely puppy who is one and half years old and it’s name is Flying fish. It’s a very funny name but because of it, my life has become happier. It is clumsy, but it can feel my joys and sorrows and is always by my side. I think all animals have emotions, they are loyal and reliable, and have more straightforward feelings than humans. I am really happy to have met it.

My beloved dog💕

Write at the end

I am so glad to be in class with you guys. And thank you for taking the time to get to know me and my blog. i believe that our future life is a journey full of possibilities, which may include a lot of challenges, but i feel that life is wilderness, which each of us should enjoy and be brave enough to experience.


I am excited to continue sharing my experiences and thoughts with you in future posts. Let’s enjoy this course to the fullest!

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