My time is my treasure, nowhere else to find

Straight Fire Gang

Hello everyone!My Chinese name is Yuwei Li And you can just call me Frank. In this Blog, I don’t think it’s just a little introduction, but rather I think it’s like a puzzle game, picking up the pieces of me that were broken up before and putting them back together again so that I can present you with a real version of myself.

So, I call the first piece the “Piano.”

My parents forced me to learn the piano at a very young age (like many Chinese parents, hoping one day their children would become as famous as the pianist Lang Lang), and although I was especially disobedient as a child, I managed to reach the tenth grade under my parents’ strict discipline. For a long time after that, I didn’t understand why playing the piano, and what the beauty of the music was, so I pretty much abandoned all piano-related activities in middle and high school.

It wasn’t until I saw a movie after high school that I realized the beauty of the piano. The film was “The Legend of 1900,” and it taught me that the piano is alive, that it’s not just an instrument, that it carries the heart of the player and the soul of his life. I fell in love with the piano for the first time, and through the piano I found a way to explore my heart.

At the same time, in my daily life I have made many good friends who like piano and music as much as I do, and we can often play and sing each other’s favorite songs together. Pianos have allowed me to find these beauties that I didn’t have before.

Playing and listening to music are my antidotes when I’m down and out. The familiar lyrics and melodies, the familiar bands and their albums were my way of letting off steam

Art is not truth;

art is the lie which makes us see the truth

The second puzzle – Art

The second piece of the puzzle pieced together my love of photography and art, two essential parts of my daily life.

Photography made me fall in love with colour of black and white, and the contrast and cinematography made me interested in observing everything in my life.

As Picasso said, the world of art is a lie and subjective rather than objective, but art comes from the objective world and is higher than the material world, so I love Chinese painting and art as well as photography.

In my junior high school, I also learned the brush strokes systematically because I liked them, and I have been practicing them ever since.

I am what I am

One of the sands of eternity

One of the thousands of footprints on the earth

Also is the Wall-climbing teen who tried to climb over life’s high walls

The last puzzle – ‘me

Piano, art, and me. Maybe in the future, I will still find the puzzle pieces that belong to me, they are just lost somewhere in my life, waiting for me quietly. I’ll keep looking until I’ve pieced “I” together.

Yuwei Li


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