Hello World!

Coffee, sunsets, shopping; three words which describe me, myself and I. My name is Sahar I’m 22 studying Digital Media and Journalism, everytime i have to tell someone what I’m studying the follow up question i receive is “what’s that?” so I would rather show it what is study through this blog rather than explain it within 200 characters of nonsense. An intense urge to write for a living made me change my course from Law, YES Law to digital media. I spend the days buying coffee and taking mirror selfies whilst getting notifications from my bank telling me I’ve spent £300 spent on coffee.

“Sahar do you really have to take pcitures of everything?” well yes, absolutely I’m not paying £8.99 worth of icloud storage to just not use it. Being everyones photographer I take pride in making my friends instagram pages look good. Every picture shares a memory and every memory shares a story.


  1. Your blog touches upon some key aspects of the impact of digital media on the cultural industry, as well as…

  2. Your exploration of Laura Mulvey’s “male gaze” theory is comprehensive and highlights its enduring relevance across various media. The inclusion…

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