Maintain individual thought

  • Medium Theory: A Brief Overview

Medium theory, also known as media theory. It posits that the medium itself, rather than just the content it carries, influences the way we understand and respond to information. Medium theory is a set of approaches used to convey the difference in meanings of the message conveyed with regard to the different channels used to communicate it.

  • Marshall McLuhan and “The Medium is the Message

“The Medium is the Message.” first appeared in 20th century. This phrase summarize the central premise of medium theory: the medium through which information is transmitted has a deep influence on how we get and react to the information. What he was saying was not that messages were irrelevant, but the medium by which they were transmitted was more consequential.

The well-known case is the Nixon and JFK debate, where viewers on television perceived good-looking JFK as the winner, while those who tuned in on the radio believed Nixon had won. Although the content was identical, people’s perceptions varied significantly based on the medium they utilized.

  • Nicholas Carr and “The Shallows”

With ongoing technological advancements, people rely more and more on the Internet in their daily lives. The Shallows by Nicholas Carr explores the detrimental effects of being exposed to the virtual world and how it physically affects our brains. It also talks about its effect at a neurological level.

  1. The Internet is altering our brain’s ability to stay focused.
  2. The Internet makes us process vast amounts of information, which causes burnout.
  3. Allow yourself time away from the Internet by spending time in nature.

  • Conclusion

Media theory offers a different perspective on how communication technologies affect our lives and society. It will allow us to critically examine the mediums through which we interact with the world and think about their impact on our perceptions and behaviors. As we continue to immerse ourselves in online media, we also need to be aware of whether we are being influenced by what others are saying. Staying true to oneself is the most important thing in the age of media.

1 thought on “Maintain individual thought

  1. I can see the blog in which it advocates a critical examination of communication media, urging people to become more self-aware of the ubiquitous influence of online media. The examples of McLuhan and the Nixon Kennedy debates used at the same time demonstrate the critical nature of the use of media theory, which makes perfect sense.

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