What is medium theory?

Medium theory involves a set of methods for exploring the differences between the meaning of a message and the different channels used to deliver it. We can assume that media are not just tools for communication, but are the various environments and settings that make communication possible and may even change the meaning and significance of the message being conveyed.

It is important to consider the characteristics of each medium and the differences between them. By understanding the characteristics of different media, such as audio, video, and print media, researchers can evaluate and compare their effectiveness in interpersonal communication.

Over time, we can observe the impact of media on society in many ways. Initially, media use was limited due to limited information and knowledge. However, nowadays, ordinary people can obtain and read all kinds of information they need from various media.

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The emergence of new media has promoted human development and democratization. It enables people to access and share information globally, bridging communication gaps.

“The medium is the message”

Marshall McLuhan

This is McLuhan’s summary of the status and role of communication media in the development of human society. The implication is that the media itself is the truly meaningful message. In other words, it is easier to understand that only with certain media can humans engage in commensurate communication and other social activities. Therefore, from the perspective of the long process of human social development, truly meaningful and valuable “messages” It is not the content of communication in each era, but the nature of the communication tools used in this era, the possibilities it opened up and the social changes it brought.

McLuhan said: “It is the formal characteristics of the communication medium—its recurrence under diverse material conditions—rather than the specific message content that constitutes the historical behavioral efficacy of the communication medium.”

McLuhan’s concept of media is broad. It not only refers to language, writing, printed matter, telecommunications and radio and television, but also includes various means of transportation, even clothing, housing, currency, etc. Anything that can extend the functions of the human body is within the scope of his medium.

McLuhan believed that media is the basic driving force for social development. The emergence of each new media creates a way for humans to perceive and understand the world. Changes in communication have changed human feelings and the relationship between people. relationships and create new types of social behavior. Therefore, the media is also a symbol that distinguishes different social forms. In McLuhan’s view, mankind’s transformation from “tribal society” to “detribal society” and then to “global village” is all due to the development of media and its technology.


The fact of the medium theory is the extentions of humanity, and these extentions would also affect people’s minds and society as a whole. Medium itself is a message, and the message and media are undivided. Medium is the impetus to push society forward and also the way to separate different social forms. On the other side, it is too extreme to see media technique as the only driving force to help society advance. Thank you for reading this blog. If you have any questions or opinions you want to share, feel free to leave comments.

2 thoughts on “What is medium theory?

  1. This is an excellent article about medium theory! It does a great job of explaining the concept and its implications for media studies. I particularly appreciate how it delves into the history of this field, as well as providing examples to help illustrate key points. Overall, this is an informative and thought-provoking piece!

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