What is the real truth?

I think the media is an amazing industry and all the news companies claim to be the best news company, they all think they have the most unbiased judgement, the most comprehensive coverage and the fastest news updates. Sometimes, their one-size-fits-all rhetoric makes me wonder:Who is really the best news company? Are they lying or not? Is it true when they say they have no interest?

After reading this article, I started to realise what the real news industry is like. I actually think that all news is not 100 per cent real news, they are all fake news in some way, because the five different levels show us five different stages of screening. Because there are different screening stages (criteria for judgement) there has to be orientation and bias. Maybe these news companies are telling the truth, but the content is incomplete and misleading because they have a bias (political or opinion orientated) towards the respondents (many companies deliberately spread inflammatory content through this feature). Many people only listen to one side of a TV station and think they know the whole picture, so they take sides and express their opinions on social events. What they don’t realise is that many news companies don’t choose to provide the full picture, they only report what is good for them or good for the government. This may not be the fault of the news companies themselves, it may be the government’s control over the news companies or the government’s control over the information the public receives, but the reality is that it is very difficult to get 100 per cent of an event through a single media outlet.

The most famous examples of this are World War II and the Cold War. The Second World War witnessed an unprecedented level of propaganda from both the Allies and the Axis powers. Nazi Germany, in particular, used propaganda as a means of controlling the German population and promoting the ideology of Aryan supremacy. The United States and other Allies also used propaganda to boost morale and garner support for the war effort

The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union was characterised by an intense propaganda war. Both superpowers used propaganda to promote their respective ideologies and to discredit the other. The Soviet Union, in particular, was known for its extensive use of propaganda to maintain control over its citizens and spread communist ideals.

1 thought on “What is the real truth?

  1. I agree with you that the media is not always truthful and objective. I think it is important to be critical and skeptical of the information we receive from different sources. Apart from that, I think you can add some examples to support your idea.

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