Fox News: Encoding and Decoding of the Western Media

Encoding and Decoding is a model of communication that was developed by Jamaican-British social scholar Stuart Hall. This model is a theoretical approach to how media messages are produced and interpreted. 

Encoding is the production of the media. During this process, the producers imbed various signs and symbols within the actual media itself, to affect the message that is being conveyed to the audience. The message that is being conveyed is determined by the beliefs, philosophies, and political affiliations of the producer or media outlet.

Decoding is the process by which the messages within the media are interpreted by the viewer. The viewer translates these codes into simple information, to extract the true meaning. This decoding process is determined by the personal beliefs and lived experiences of the viewer.

In a recent article by Fox News, they covered how the Mayor of New York City is addressing the arrival of a large number of migrants entering the city. They conveyed the situation as a “crisis” that could “destroy” the city of New York, and drastically affect the entire nation. Furthermore, the word “migrant” was used 5 times, while entirely failing to use the word “people”, or “Humans”. 

All of this encoded messaging conveys migrants in a negative light, by dehumanizing them and blaming them for the problems Americans are currently facing, such as rising living costs. 

Fox News is a right-of-centre media publication in the United States, that aligns itself closely with the ideologies of the Republican party, which is currently pushing an anti-immigration campaign within the federal government. 

There are three different types of ways that individuals can decode or interpret these messages:

Dominant/Hegemonic position: When the viewer takes the actual meaning directly and decodes it exactly the way it was encoded. The viewer agrees with the meaning and does not try and challenge it. The majority of Fox News’s audience are watching the platform because they have similar political leanings and affiliations as the media outlet, and therefore would overwhelmingly agree with these encoded symbols. Many Americans who hold right of centre political ideologies believe that their country is at threat from immigrants who are ‘flooding into the country”

Negotiated position: This is a mixture of accepting and rejecting the encoded message, whereby the viewer agrees with some of the encoded concepts, however disagrees with or decodes the information differently than how it was encoded. Some viewers will agree that excessive immigration is straining the American economy, but will reject the idea that this is causing a “national crisis”.

Oppositional positon: Whwere the viewer dedoces the information differnelty than how it was encoded. The viewer therefor rejects or disagrees with the entirety of the message. Many individuals that hold left of centre political beliefs or who are associated with the Democratic political party would dispute the majority of Fox News’s media coverage. They would argue that immigration is not an issue at all and that Fox News is actually waging a culture war in order to shift the audience’s attention off of the Republicans unaccepting policy stances.

Oppositional reading has exploded recently in which many individuals have spoken out agianest the narrative of western media outlets in regards to their coverage of the Isreal-hamas conflict in the middle east

Fox News has had large amounts of Oppositional reading not only to their war coverage, but of their encoding of messaging regarding the Jan 6th incurection, and claims that the 2020 US Presidential election was stolen:

Reference list:

Hsu, H. (2017). Stuart Hall and the Rise of Cultural Studies. [online] The New Yorker. Available at:

Shaw, A. (2023). Mayor Adams urges rich New Yorkers to step up as city buckles under financial costs of migrant crisis. [online] Fox News. Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov. 2023].

1 thought on “Fox News: Encoding and Decoding of the Western Media

  1. Your detailed explanation of Stuart Hall’s Encoding and Decoding model illustrates how media messages carry ideological biases. The Fox News example exemplifies the impact of encoding on audience perception, shedding light on the potential manipulation of narratives. Your breakdown of decoding positions – dominant, negotiated, and oppositional – adds depth, showcasing how individuals interpret media messages. The mention of oppositional readings, especially in contexts like the Israel-Hamas conflict and the January 6th insurrection, highlights the growing scepticism and critique of mainstream media. Your analysis encourages critical media literacy, urging readers to consider the influence of encoding and its role in decoding diverse narratives.

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