How consensus is created

  • Noam Chomsky in his book “Manufacturing Consent – The Political Economy of the Mass Media” describes how the mass media uses media control to propagandise and function.

  • Propaganda model of the mass media
    The size of ownership of the media dictates that it will inevitably bring its own position to the propaganda. The shadow of capital exists behind any media, and this means that the mass media has to serve capital. The majority of voices are usually filtered out so as to represent the interests of capital.
  • Advertisers
    On the one hand, it advertises its goods and on the other hand, it removes the threat of negative coverage of itself. The media usually consider advertisers more delicately, because advertisers can bring considerable income to the media. With the rise of the Internet, the power of capital to control public opinion has become stronger and stronger.
    On social media, many advertisers place adverts with bloggers who have a large number of followers and enter into sales agreements with them. For example, the bloggers are asked to present their products in their work and how many sales they must achieve. Bloggers will embellish their products in order to make them sell better, and even though those products may not be that amazing, when bloggers with large followings all over the internet are saying that the product works, you subconsciously think that it works.

4 thoughts on “How consensus is created

  1. I very much agree with your point of view. Just like the example you gave, when selling products online, the products are often modified and packaged by bloggers to make them more attractive. However, when buyers actually get them, they often find that they are not the same. The description does not match. This kind of image is relatively common on the Internet. Your explanation further illustrates that there is often an invisible hand driving the process of encoding and decoding.

  2. Hi,
    I agree with the insights in your blog about the mass media propaganda model, which struck me with the use of advertising as an example. You mentioned that advertisers are often very attractive to their customers by using bloggers to place adverts to hit achieve publicity. However, you didn’t discuss the theory further, and it would be great if you could elaborate!

  3. Hi, I like you article with the video explaining, and I can see you are using example to express how this prapaganda model works. But I think there is some parts that can be improved, maybe you could add some connections with the theory and example, and maybe use some real life example would be more convincing next time.

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