Bailey Hawsey

Hello everyone! My name is Kameron Hawsey, however, everyone knows me by my middle name, which is Bailey! I am 20 years old, and am originally from Birmingham, Alabama, in the United States, however, I spent my formative years living in Johannesburg, South Africa. I am a second-year student, studying Digital Media and Journalism, with the aspiration of becoming an investigative journalist.

My interests and passions include traveling, photography, writing, politics, international relations, and content creation.

Growing up abroad I was very lucky to have so many unique and diverse experiences that challenged my worldview and allowed me to grow as an individual. I have lived on 4 different continents and have traveled to over 45 countries. 

However, I believe it is very important to have a close connection to home, as I have always had a strong sense of pride and patriotism for the United States of America, and my home state of Alabama. 

This summer I had the amazing opportunity of completing an internship for United States Congressman Barry Moore (AL-02) of my home state, in which my passions for politics, media, content creation, and love for country all collided. One of the coolest bonuses about being an intern on Capitol Hill was that we had congressional IDs that gave us access to almost anywhere in the capitol. One of the most surreal moments I experienced in the capitol was being in the house gallery to watch the vote of H.R 3746 (Debt ceiling bill). This was a highly anticipated bill that had much opposition, however it passed through the house, and then the senate before being signed into law by President Joe Biden.  Here are a few photos of my time working in the United States Capitol in Washington D.C.: 

Growing up around the diverse ecosystems of Southern Africa, wildlife photography has always been a huge passion of mine. While it has been many years since I picked up my camera, I remember all the weekends I would spend with my dad, just waiting to capture the perfect moment. Here are some of my favourite photos:

1 thought on “Bailey Hawsey

  1. My goodness, you’ve been to 45 countries, that’s amazing to me. By the way, I’m not interested in politics, but I am interested in political philosophy.

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