Reverie on Cultural Industries

A topic of discussion in post-World War II German academia is that Germany, as a country that nurtured the classical German philosophy known for its “rationality,” actually started two world wars in one century, and that Hitler, a so-called “irrational” man, actually became the ruler of a country known for its rationality. Hitler, a so-called “irrational” man, became the ruler of a country known for its rationality.

But in my opinion, the Nazis were rational. It can be seen from the Wannsee Conference in 1942 that they planned the massacre precisely through rationality. So the Nazis were not irrational, they were overgeneralization of ration, what the Frankfurt School proposed – Instrumental Reason – a kind of overgeneralization of ration that instrumentalises reason, that alienates people into things in order to maximise profit, and the process of alienation is carried out by the culture industry The process of alienation is completed by the culture industry.

The culture industry – cultural commerce and marketing – specialises in the production of culture as opposed to the concept of authentic culture. It is a large-scale batch production that spreads pandering culture (which pleases the public, and pleasing the public is essentially about making a profit) to the masses through the mass media. In the process, culture is consumed by the masses, who in turn are soothed in the process of consumption.

Thus, culture becomes a commercial\commodity. But the culture created by the culture industry makes us think that we see the real world, but the world it creates is the world of distortion, resulting in the lowering of the quality and authenticity of culture, and the mass production of culture leads to the proliferation of low-quality information, while at the same time the proliferation of low-quality information misleads people’s perception and active understanding of the real world. The products of this cultural industry, which give us consumers false comfort and satisfaction, become a tool for deceiving the masses and binding the will of the individual, and thus an ideological tool of capitalism to control the masses.

In order to mass produce, it will be necessary to use unlimited multiplication and reproduction, and in this process, in order for the resulting product to be consumed, it will be necessary for the masses to accept him, and in order for the masses to accept it, it will inevitably be necessary to curry favour with the masses, thus creating the pandering nature of the culture industry.

1 thought on “Reverie on Cultural Industries

  1. First of all, I really like the views and ideas of your article. It is for this reason that I am very interested in reading it. Although the article does not have many words, it can well explain what you want to express. I think this is a very remarkable thing. Secondly, I agree with your point of view. It is true that during World War II, the Nazis had amazing dominance. Under his rule, German industry developed rapidly. However, due to excessive control of ideas, extreme results occurred. This is a very scary thing, because when some seemingly rational ideas are overused, it often leads to more serious consequences.

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