Author: Liuyang
The “Omnipresent” Male Gaze
“Gaze” is different from seeing and appreciating. If “looking” is the random flipping of a magazine, “gaze”…
Making Consent: Do We Live in a World of Free Will?
Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky, 1988, in Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media…
Is There a High Degree of Reality in Fictional Images in the Digital World?
“The behavior of all social identities and roles is fundamentally performance.” (Erving Goffman, The Presentation of Self…
Take Twitter as an Example to Understand the Two-Step Flow Theory
The integration of interpersonal influence and media effect is intended to show that interpersonal communication is more…
Welcome to Liuyang’s world
Hello, nice to meet you!! My name is Liuyang Li. I am a sophomore majoring in digital…