Author: Kameron

1 Comment on Islamophobic discourse in Western media
Posted in 4. ‘Media Discourse’ Or ‘The male gaze’ Blog

Islamophobic discourse in Western media

Media discourse is a term that describes “the parameters within which a particular issue is publicly discussed…

1 Comment on Fox News: Encoding and Decoding of the Western Media
Posted in 3. ‘Manufacturing Consent’ Or ‘Ideas of encoding and decoding’ Blog

Fox News: Encoding and Decoding of the Western Media

Encoding and Decoding is a model of communication that was developed by Jamaican-British social scholar Stuart Hall….

2 Comments on Twitter: The temperature of modern media
Posted in 2. ‘Medium theory’ Or ‘Construction of Identity in a digital world’ Blog

Twitter: The temperature of modern media

Medium theory is the study of mass communication that examines how different types of communication media impact…

4 Comments on Gen Z: defying the Culture Industry passivity?
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’ Blog

Gen Z: defying the Culture Industry passivity?

“Culture industry” is the name of the theory that was developed by Theodore Adorno and Max Horkheimer…

1 Comment on Bailey Hawsey
Posted in Blog Hello World

Bailey Hawsey

Hello everyone! My name is Kameron Hawsey, however, everyone knows me by my middle name, which is…