Author: Ruoting

2 Comments on How does media discourse cast spells on the public with a magic wand?
Posted in 4. ‘Media Discourse’ Or ‘The male gaze’

How does media discourse cast spells on the public with a magic wand?

Introduction The media is a powerful force in the field of digital communication. It is not only…

8 Comments on When you’re incoherent, you find a meme
Posted in 3. ‘Manufacturing Consent’ Or ‘Ideas of encoding and decoding’

When you’re incoherent, you find a meme

When you’re browsing trending topics on social media, have you ever noticed what meaning the topic content…

4 Comments on Are you a “digital chameleon”?
Posted in 2. ‘Medium theory’ Or ‘Construction of Identity in a digital world’

Are you a “digital chameleon”?

In our evolving digital age, the issue of identity has taken on a new connotation in the…

4 Comments on Two-Step Flow theory analysis
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

Two-Step Flow theory analysis

Introduction In our daily lives, information is constantly hitting our brains and changing our trajectories. Do you…

1 Comment on Ting
Posted in Hello World


Hi, everyone! My name is Ruoting Gao, but you can call me Ting. I am thrilled to…