Author: Holly
Marilyn Monroe: Defined by Men
Marilyn Monroe is a true depiction of the male gaze – she is defined by men. Her…
Manufacturing Consent is a large problem: The 2024 Presidential Election
Manufacturing consent was a phrase originally coined in 1922, by the American journalist Walter Lippman, to refer…
Construction of identity in a digital world: Dream, MrBeast, and their fanatics
Looking at YouTubers, we can see that the construction of identity in a digital world can be…
Delving into ‘Two Step Flow Theory’ in Contemporary Media through Fidan Tok
To look at two step flow theory (which I’ll refer to as TSFT throughout this blog) properly,…
Posted in Hello World
Introducing the Essex girl (yes.. Holly)
Hi, all! If you don’t already know me, my name is Holly, I’m 19, and I’m from…