Author: Jiacheng
The Male Gaze in Media: From Domination to Defiance
The concept of the male gaze, introduced by Laura Mulvey in her groundbreaking essay Visual Pleasure and…
Decoding the Legacy of Empresses in the Palace: How Audiences Recreate Meaning
Stuart Hall’s Encoding/Decoding theory provides a fascinating lens to analyze how media content is created and interpreted….
Digital Identity Under Fire: How Celebrity Scandals Reveal the Fragility of Public Personas
In today’s digital world, the construction of identity—particularly for celebrities—is a carefully crafted act that can quickly…
Chinese Costume Dramas and Korean Idol Dramas From the Perspective of Standardization in Culture Industry
The concept of cultural industry, proposed by Adorno and Horkheimer, explains how cultural products, like TV shows,…
Posted in Blog
About Huang Jiacheng
Hello everyone, My full name is Jiacheng Huang, but you can call me Jackson as it sounds similar to my…